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As a writer when you commence a Prompt Kicker fundraiser project you are making a oath unto the world that you will complete your work. Be it a book, screen play, text, academic paper, anthology, comic book, photography book, art book, self help guild, 88-page letter to your parents… whatever it may be. The goal is to get the project done.


If you happen to infuriate your donors with your end project and they then vote that the project is incomplete for whatever reason, that is in some ways besides the point. The main point of Prompt Kicker is to be a real on the ground motivational tool to help you get your life’s work completed.


The Prompt Kicker Experience.


Prompt Kicker is all about creating your own personal pressure cooker scenario to try and motivate you to get something 100% complete. We let you choose the minimum length of your end project, when your end project must be completed by, how much Ethereum you are willing to complete the project for weather or not your giving your self a fundraising advance. And most importantly, you decide on the creative criteria of the work. Now its up to you to find donors for your Prompt Kicker smart contract arrangement. 


Once your funding goal is met its all up to you again to do it, hunker down, schedule it out and make what you said you were going to make.  


However, the initial proms to the universe and the possibility of a cash reward from your donors is not the only motivational factor. There is also the harshness of the vote at the end of the project to contend with. You are running for president of your project.  You want to create something that meets your and your voting donors expectations.  

The fluctuating value of Ethereum presents its own motivations. Seeing the value of Ethereum drop should encourage you to complete the project as soon as possible before it goes any lower! Seeing the value of Ethereum skyrocket should also give you motivation to try and finish the project early for two reasons. One, so that you can cash out on Ethereum at a high value and Two if the value of Ethereum becomes extremely high compared to when your donors first committed the funds to you for your project, though they are told not too, they may be influenced to vote your project as being incomplete.


So, the daily fluctuations in Ethereum both up and down should be a source of constant motivation to complete your writing project on time or early.


Good Scenario #1:

After a fun night talking to your old history professor you have a wild mad cap idea about what it would be like if the Mayans had inter-dimensional technology and were in fact waiting out there for a prophesied day to return to our earth and rule the world. That day comes during the next US election in 2020.


Being that you are a well-known author with a huge fan base you are able to fully fund your project in under 2 weeks based on this writing prompt and links to your previous works.


The project is unlike anything you have ever done and throughs you deep into some amazing interdisciplinary research. You get the project finished 1 week before your set deadline. During the vote 100% of the donors marked the project as complete.  You spring board this success into a book publication deal which puts you on the best sellers list. You are considered a literary hero!



Nightmare Scenario #1:

For example, let’s say you fund razing goal was 50 Ethereum and at that time 1 Ethereum was worth $1000. Because you are a popular online personality and your writing prompt (idea) is an interesting one you reach you goal in under two weeks with a total of 500 donors chipping in. You gave your self 6 months to complete the project. You work extremely hard, get the writing project completed, edited and sent off to you all the donors. However, the value of Ethereum has absolutely skyrocketed during that time and now 1 Ethereum is worth $100’000!  It would be amazing then at this point if you project was marked as complete as your donors simpl hunger for Ethereum may out way their ethics and contractual obligations and you loos both of your votes and, so you never receive your 50 Ethereum ☹.


This would be unfortunate, however on the upside your projected is completed! And you could possibly go on to use it to sign an extremely valuable major film deal that propels you into a fantastic level of stardom and personal satisfaction.



 Nightmare Scenario #2:

Let’s say you’re a scientist and you wish to release a paper on the latest technology and chemistry relating to semi conductors.


You know it is going to take a huge amount of resources to complete the project, so you ask for 150 Ethereum and being that you are a cavalier and short sited sort of person you opt not to have a fundraising advance and make it a 100% all or nothing kind of project.


Miraculously one donor by the name of Mr.X after reading your papers proposed abstract donates all the money and then some betting your fundraising goal.  You take this as a good sign and without researching Mr.X (or without any means he has made himself anonymise) you get to work discovering new and exciting things about semiconductor physics and chemistry.


One-year latter you proudly submit the project to all your donors, that is to Mr.X the next day you wake up to find an e-mail from your Prompt Kicker smart contract stating that your project has been voted by 100% of donors (Mr.X) as being incomplete.  The only sentence you get back a is feed back is. “You walked right into my trap...hahahah”.


You submit your paper again for a second vote and again Mr.X votes that is incomplete and you lose all the money! The next day you read in a prominent scientific journal that your scientific paper has been published without your name attached to it, instead it reads that the author’s name is Dr.X!  Mr. X has manipulated you, stole your work, then patented your ideas and sold them to a manufacturer in a different country and has made millions of dollars doing it!


This is unwelcome news; the good news is that Mr. X has in fact by donating money to you signed a contract. By publishing your work in anyway they are breaking the contract, by stealing your work they are breaking the contract, by copyrighting your work under the name Mr. X they are breaking the contract.  


With the contract in hand you should be able to prove that you were in fact the first one to write that scientific paper and that you should be the one who owns the copyright and that you should be the one who has the million-dollar deal with the manufacturer in a different country.


Nothing in the legal world is certain and particularly scientists are far to often victims of having there works stolen and plagiarized. However, with a smart contract in your possession clearly showing your processes you at least have a fighting chance and have something more than a story to give your lawyers to work with.


In the end Prompt Kicker is above all a motivational tool and motivation is the most valuable thing in the universe.  Use it wisely!

1.    Never invest more time into a Prompt Kicker project than you can afford to lose.


If you are taking on a Prompt Kicker project the end reward of completing the project should be the main goal. If you lose a vote or get hacked and lose all of your funds the main thing that should matter to you is that you completed your writing project.  

2.    Prompt Kicker is not legally-gambling but please realize all contracts are in a way taking a chance and Prompt Kicker contracts are particularly prone to risk.  Prompt Kicker is not a money-wager, but all contracts are in a way metaphorically-gambling with your own time! Things can go wrong! As an author you are metaphorically-gambling, and your donors are metaphorically-gambling on you getting your project completed. And just like when you gamble NEVER gamble more then you can lose! Never invest more time into a Prompt Kicker project than you can afford to lose!!

3.    Do not use this Smart Contract for a project that involves scientific or engineering papers that have possible cutting edge economic value. For example: Do not use Prompt Kicker to publish a paper on the latest technology and techniques for refining gold. Gold refining technology is incredibly valuable and using Prompt Kicker is exposing your self to the possibility of exploitation from unknown 3rd parties.
4.    PLEAS, for the love of all things crypto pleas do not forgo using project-benchmarks.  What are project-benchmarks?   Well instead of receiving all the funding at the end of the project you may decide to have funding released half way through the book or better yet ¼ the way through the project. In this way if your project-donors are trying to mess with you or steel your ideas, you will find out the true intentions of most of your donors.

 If you opt to have a Bench Mark Vote in your Prompt Kicker contract after one month instead of being surprised at the end of a long arduous writing period, you will get a better sense of what is going on and if they are truly on your team.

 For example, if you wanted your book to be 8 chapters long, and you wanted to complete two chapters a month. Then you could put your first project-benchmark vote being the first two chapters after one month.

5.    Instead of making an all or nothing wager which could possibly financially bankrupt you, pleas do not opt-out of having bench mark votes where you submit part of your writing project to your donors. If you don’t think your project would be well suited to being submitted to your donors in parts. Do not do create a Prompt Kicker fundraising project.

6.    If you are worried about your ideas being stolen before final publication or the amount of time and money you would haft to invest in your project could be ruinous to you, pleas DO NOT create a Prompt Kicker fundraising project!   Prompt Kicker is intended to help authors and creators who are already committed to their creative pursuit and are just looking for motivation to help them complete the project.  Prompt Kicker is for those who have already committed the time, energy and money into a writing project, as well as just looking for something to help motivate them to complete the creative process on a day to day basis.

7.    If you think that losing a vote on a Prompt Kicker fundraising project could kill your motivation to complete your project do not I repeat DO NOT create a Prompt Kicker fundraising project!  

“Every aspect of Prompt Kicker is intended to motivate you to complete your project. You get funding Good! If you don’t get funding, Good your going to show them… and get the project completed!

Say everything goes well, you get your Ethereum but the next day the market crashes and it ends up being worth half what it was the day you got it, Good!  You can take an automated report print out of your Prompt Kicker Contract and show a published and say, ‘look I was able to raise what was worth about this much X on this day Y’.  Your Prompt Kicker fundraiser gets zero interest, and no one donates, Good!  You have such an original idea no one is even able to see the intrinsic value of it.   You complete a project and lost twice on your final vote, Good, sure you’re not a crowd pleaser but you got your project finished and that’s what truly matters to you.

The result should be this, the value of ETH goes up you should be motivated to get your writing project finished. The value of ETH goes down you should be motivated to get your writing project finished.   No mater what a Prompt Kicker smart contract should get you motivated!” – Shoy Mononym.

8.    Prompt Kicker is not a company with insurance and liability, it’s a smart contract and anything that happens good or bad, legal or illegal is your dealings and full responsibility.


The Writers Experience:

Rules Designed to

Protect Authors:

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